lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

Claves para disfrutar del arte flamenco en Sevilla

El flamenco es una manifestación artística declarada como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad en 2010. Sevilla es una de las ciudades cuna de este arte que podemos dividirlo en cante, baile y toque

En este artículo os damos las claves para conocer y disfrutar de este arte:

  • La estructura clásica se divide en introducción de la guitarra, salida, cante de preparación, cante valiente y remate. Según su carácter melódico nos encontramos con los cantes alegres y los dramáticos.
  • Según las variedades estilísticas nos encontramos con los distintos palos flamencos: seguiriyas, soleares, tangos…
  • El baile flamenco, estilo propio dentro de la danza, crece y evoluciona en sus orígenes en las tabernas y cafés, donde la presencia de una tarima o tablao daba mucha vistosidad al espéctaculo.
  • El baile flamenco en Sevilla alcanza su madurez en tablaos, donde los guitarristas de flamenco marcan el compás en cada espectáculo

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016

The End of Summer in Seville

For many, the end of summer is a sad time, when the holidays end we all head back to work dreaming about the next summer. In Seville though, the end of summer does not mean the end of fun. When the searing summer heat fades away, the city becomes even more alive, many of its residents return after spending weeks away to escape the heat, and the bars and clubs remain open.

One good way to enjoy the end of summer in Seville is to visit a flamenco show. These quintessentially Spanish events display the best that Spain has to offer, passionate dance, singing and music all accompanied by excellent food and wine. Enjoying a weekend away in Seville whilst watching a flamenco show will make you forget about the end of summer, and make you realise that autumn can be just as fun, if not better.

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016

Great Figures of Flamenco

That Seville is the birthplace of Flamenco is an undeniable fact. Because of this, the city has given birth to some of the greatest figures in the history of Flamenco. Even to this day Seville plays host to great Tablaos where you can enjoy an unforgetable night of great Flamenco.

In today´s article, we review some of the greatest singers, dancers and musicians in all of Flamenco, originating from Seville:

  • Antonio Carrión: Son of the singer ´Carrión de Mairena´ this Seville born legend has flamenco in his blood. He began his career at 13 when he recorded his first song, and has since toured all over Europe combining traditional elements of Flamenco with his more modern, innovative style.
  • Antonio ´sandpit´: Native to the Triana district of Sevill, ´sandpit´ got his name from his original profession, hauling sand by the Guadalquivir river. His signature moves are the ´soleá,´ the ´seguria´and the ´martinete.´
  • Aurora Vargas: Hailing from the Macarena district of Seville, this artist is adept at both the singing and the dancing aspects of Flamenco. Specialising in the Tango and the Bulerías, she played a role in the movie ´Flamenco´by Carlos Saura.

Thanks to these great figures in Flamenco, even today, one of the greatest tourist attractions in Spain is to enjoy a flamenco show in Seville.